
Showing posts from April, 2018


A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae. There are seventeen species of hedgehogs in five types, found through parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. This animals have a nocturnal life and a insectivorous foods. Hedgehogs are easily recognized by their spines, it´s are hollow hairs made stiff with keratin. This spines for the first year normally fall out as they are replaced for other spines when are adults. Spines can also shed when the animal is diseased or under extreme stress. Hedgehogs have five fingers with long hoofs in the lower limb and five fingers with shorts hoofs in upper limb.  A defense that all species of hedgehogs possess is the ability to roll into a tight ball. Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal, though some species can also be active during the day. All hedgehogs can hibernate in summer or winter, depending on temperature, species and abundance food. They are fairly vocal and communicate through a combination of grunts, snuffles and ...


When I was a child architecture was my dreams jobs. After I wanted study art and early childhood education in the university but finally I decided to study early childhood education because I think that the development of children is fundamental and they acquire knowledge in an affective environment that’s complements how the parents raise their children and the abilities of the children to think and feel. Also is important the contribution of early childhood education to society with the kinder garden and day nursery, because the parents can be calm. I enjoy my experience at university until  now, I study at the afternoon, talk and drink beer with my friends. I would like to have a job in a green place with an animals diversity, for example in the pasture because the children  would have a big space, would know types of plants , trees and bush, in conclusion the children would have a close connection with the nature.
Hi classmates! I want tell you that I would love to visit United States, but especially the state of Hawaii because I think that the history of their islands are very important. United States of America, abbreviated U.S.A. Is located in North America and is a federal republic of fifty states. The United States includes state of Alaska, at the knorthwestern extreme of North America and the state of Hawaii. I would like know cultural places, for example: White House, Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Memorial Park (Washington D.C),  J ohn F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.  I would like in Hawaii because I think that your history and culture is relevant, because hawaiian people have peculiar custom, legends, music, principles and traditions. Also interest me the education in their islands, these are: Hawaii (big island), Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe. I would like know how isthe early childhood...